McCord's USED CAR Buying Center

McCord's USED CAR Buying Center

Looking to sell your car or trade it in?

We are very interested in buying any make or model of vehicle to help build our used car inventory and "We Make It Easy" for you to get an instant cash offer today.

Don't waste time and money fixing up your car, putting ads in local publications and meeting up with strangers who may be interested in purchasing from you. Jus follow our simple stress free no obligation instant cash offer program and sell it or trade it in today!

Why Sell to McCord's?

We'll buy your car, even if you don't buy from us

We'll purchase any make or model

Simple process that takes little time

We will handle loan pay offs

NO advertising fees, money spent to get sell ready, time wasted, or meeting with strangers

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much does it cost to sell my car to McCord’s?

No cost, no obligations if value is not agreeable

How do I get paid?

We will write you a check on site if title is in hand. If payoff is required, we will submit payoff to ban, once bank issues title a check will be sent to you. If you have lost your title we can help you get a replacement.

How long does it take to sell my car?

We can have your transaction completed with-in *1 hour.

*fluctuations in business can impact this process.

What do I need to do with the Title?

If you have the title, bring it in with you. We will help transfer the title over to buyer and report vehicle sold to DMV

If it still owe money on my car, how do I sell it?

We will help you get your payoff for vehicle and submit difference in vehicle value an payoff to your bank. The remanding balance if less than payoff will be sent back to you once the vehicle paperwork has been processed. If payoff is greater than the value, you will be responsible for the difference.